How can my patterns appear in your Apple Arcade game, Patterned?

Once you become a Patterned Pro artist, your designs will be reviewed over time for addition to our Apple Arcade game, Patterned. Many of our artists in the game have well over 100 designs licensed for use in the game!

Being part of Patterned Pro doesn't guarantee participation with our game, Patterned, but we do review all designs for consideration. There are many factors such as unique or specific styles that come into play with our selection process.

If you are selected, our team will be in touch with you via email directly to begin discussions and collaborate with you to select and prepare designs for the game.

IMPORTANT: All artists that we work with for the game we enter into a thorough collaboration with, and a license agreement for each and every pattern design we license for the game.

The general process works like this:

  1. Patterns are reviewed by our team. Artists with current a Patterned Pro subscription are prioritized.
  2. If selected, we get in touch via email with artist directly.
  3. If artist is interested in participating, artist is invited to our private platform for further discussion.
  4. License terms are agreed upon between parties.
  5. Artworks are selected.
  6. Artist prepares artworks.
  7. Artworks are added to the game platform.
  8. Game update is released in Apple Arcade featuring new artwork from new artists 🥳
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