What is the relation of Patterned.com to the Apple Arcade game, Patterned?

In 2019, we released our game Patterned to the world in the Apple Arcade platform. Patterned is a unique puzzle game that immerses you in the beauty and joy of seamless, repeating patterns. It's literally chock-full of beautiful designs, handcrafted by talented artists from around the world.

Our game and web site, while they do share the same kind of content, are separate entities.

We review designs that have been submitted to our web platform for possible addition to the game. A thorough conversation is begun with each and every artist, and a formal license agreement is entered before an patterns are even prepared for usage in the game. We have never, nor will ever, place any pattern design in our Apple Arcade game that has not been fully licensed.

Patterned available in Apple Arcade

As we have thousands of pattern designs to review, we prioritize review and discussion with artists who have subscribed to our Patterned Pro plan. Rest assured, any pattern design used in the game is fully licensed by BorderLeap, and we at BorderLeap engage in a detailed partnership and licensing agreement with each and every artist who submits their patterns for use in the game.

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